TU U 10.1-35855917-009:2019
Manufacturer: Ukraine
Description: Pork Loin – this is the name for the longest external muscle of the animal’s back. It is located on both sides along the spine. It is also called pork loin or tenderloin.
Organoleptic characteristics: The dorsal and lumbar parts of the longest back muscle with adjacent muscles, starting from the 5th rib to the 1st sacral vertebra, with a fat layer no thicker than 5 mm or without it. The smell should be characteristic of this type of product, without any off odors. The texture should be firm and elastic, with the meat being dense when cut. When pressed with a finger, the indentation should quickly disappear. The color ranges from light pink to red.
Shelf life and storage conditions:
chilled products at a relative humidity of 85% and a temperature from 0°C to +4°C for 5 days;
frozen products at a relative humidity of 95%-98% for 3 months at a temperature not higher than -10°C; 6 months at a temperature not higher than -18°C; 7 months at a temperature not higher than -20°C; 12 months at a temperature not higher than -25°С.
Transportation conditions: in isothermal vehicles with installed cooling equipment, which ensures the preservation of product quality in accordance with the rules of transportation of perishable goods operating on the corresponding mode of transport.